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The Strum Blog

Webinar: The Keys to Achieving a New Level of Brand & Data-Driven Marketing Success

Join Mark Weber, CEO of Strum and Strum Platform, and Laurie Flanders, VP of Client Solutions for Strum Platform, in a robust discussion of how credit unions can reach a higher level of strategic growth, cultural alignment and marketing performance.


Mark Weber, CEO of Strum and Strum Platform

Laurie Flanders, VP of Client Solutions for Strum Platform


They will share success stories of credit unions who have undergone the transition towards brand alignment and focus on growth and increased marketing performance.

In this free webinar, Mark and Laurie delve into detail about how credit unions can:

  1. Align your organization around an inspiring purpose-driven brand and culture

  2. Unlock member needs, lifestyles and goals with rich data insights and intelligence-driven marketing

  3. Enrich and personalize member experiences and journeys with generative-AI

  4. Driving, measuring and reporting marketing performance results, sales conversions & true ROI
